Garlic: 11 secrets you don’t know yet

Natural Aphrodisiac: Contrary to popular belief, garlic is a potent aphrodisiac. For best results, use garlic extracts.
Anti-Acne: Garlic’s antibiotic and antibacterial properties make it an effective remedy for acne. Apply a garlic clove to affected areas before bed.
Natural Disinfectant: For minor wounds, a peeled garlic clove can be used as a disinfectant and aid in healing. However, it’s not a substitute for medical treatment.
Combat Hair Loss: Garlic’s allicin can help with hair loss. Rub sliced garlic or a mixture of crushed garlic and olive oil onto your scalp.
Remove Splinters: Place a small piece of garlic over a splinter and secure it with a bandage overnight.
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