Brilliant geraniums, with this trick they will bloom for 10 years without ever wilting

Geraniums, also known  as Pelargonium  , are considered the king of balcony plants. The motivation lies in the fact that they are easy to grow and resistant to different types of climate. Its origins are in South Africa. Precisely from that country  they were imported to Europe  where today they proliferate especially in the Mediterranean area.


There are  different species  of geraniums and each one is characterized by different colors and smells. Although it is notoriously easy to grow, you have to be careful to observe  some precautions  . The first has to do with the climate: be careful because intense cold is poorly tolerated. The minimum temperature is two degrees. Also pay attention to  the exposure  : it is better to place it in semi-shade and never in the shade since the bulbs could bloom halfway (branches with flowers and branches without). A position in full sun, especially in the middle of summer, would not be advisable as the flowers could burn.

Also pay attention to the soil: it must be well drained. However, there are other valid tricks to proliferate your geraniums. You’ll find out which one it is below.

The trick to make them proliferate

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