7 natural tips to get rid of mosquitoes in the kitchen

Humid places are perfect nurseries for mosquito larvae. And what are the most humid places in the house? The pipes, of course! Mosquitoes lay their eggs in abundance there. Therefore, it is important to properly maintain and disinfect pipes to prevent future generations of mosquitoes from hatching. Use white vinegar and baking soda to clean them.

Use white vinegar and dishwashing liquid.

With this grandmother’s advice, we take one step further. We are no longer in the preventive sector! I explain how to make a natural mosquito trap to kill them (yes, it’s horrible). She fills a bowl with white vinegar and adds a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Place the bowl in a strategic place in the kitchen, for example next to the fruit. The smell of the mixture attracts mosquitoes and traps!

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